Saturday, 19 March 2022 14:36

Disaster Strikes!

The streaming software used by the gang has an easy to use, straightforward design. A pot smoking monkey can use it. Albeit, it would have to be a well trained monkey with a more than average IQ and its trainer would need saintly patience. Let's just say it is simple.

A year ago Steve dived into the software full on and learned it. Completely. Since, the system has been tweaked, test, relaunched, and tweaked some more. It had been converted a bit for the T-Day Marathon and had a total overhaul during the end of year holidays. For all of season one, all of previous versions had been saved and a new one created. Or so he thought.

Last night, Steve discovered he'd been doing it wrong. Sometime during the year Steve had mentally transposed two settings and their uses.

TLDR: Steve is Dumber Than a [Well Trained] Pot Smoking Monkey

It seems there are two important factors within the software that the user can save different variations; the profile and the scenes. At the beginning, Steve knew full well that the profile has the account information (e.g., Twitch Login) and the Scene Collections has all the different scenes the viewer sees. The latter being the most complex and the more time consuming to set up. It took over five weeks- evenings and weekends- just to get the scenes made! 

During all of the tweaks, it seems Steve had failed to remember this simple difference. Whenever he made a change to the scenes he saved the profile, made a new one, and then made the changes scenes. Knowing (wrongly) that he could always revert to the previous profile. Fortunately, the back ups were never needed. The changes that were made "worked".

For season two the gang is planning some big changes. Therefore, Steve saved the Profile and made a new one. Then proceeded to delete EVERYTHING and start a new Scene Collection. There was plenty of time do so. The new setup only needed a few scenes. With twenty-four hours until live streaming the new scenes would only take a couple of hours- at most. It only took sixty seconds to delete a year's worth of work. 

Suddenly, Steve's knowledge of the software properly reset and he checked the old version to be safe. He discovered one Scene Collection and nearly a dozen exact duplicates of Profile settings. 

Everything Groovy is Better!

Several hours and some tears later, with the inestimable help from Smappie, Steve managed to do two month's work in a few hours. The result may not be apparent to the viewer, but the setup is a lot cleaner and refined. The operation of the streaming software is more logical and should be more streamlined. This is a good change despite the utter failure that prompted it. The adding of new content should be a lot simpler. With little dedication and a lot of luck, the Groovy Gang's content will be much better. 



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